Founded in 2008, Resource Connector North Association (RCN), formerly Northern Interior Mining Group (NIMG), was established to help connect businesses in northern British Columbia with mining and exploration companies, with the goal of increasing the range of services and products to support mine development. RCN is a strong advocate of diversification within the province’s resources sector, which is accomplished through relationship building and information sharing.
In 2010 RCN was registered under the Societies Act of BC as a formal society represented and administered by a committed group of volunteers serving on the Board of Directors. This group includes a cross section of public and private sector representatives.
British Columbia’s strength is derived from its abundance of various natural resources and has long since been a fundamental pillar in the foundation of the Canadian economy. In 2015 the board of directors officially changed the association’s name from Northern Interior Mining Group to Resource Connector North to better represent all industry in northern B.C. and to diversify and connect stakeholders with a wider array of opportunities as companies branch out.
We believe that through relationships and information sharing, Northern BC's businesses have the human resource capacity, knowledge, and abilities to support all types of resource projects, such as mining, pipelines, forestry, and large-scale energy projects.
To connect to business, RCN participates in trade shows, sponsors events, and hosts networking events annually for its supporters. A magazine and directory are published annually to promote the North and provide businesses and natural resource sectors with the opportunity to connect with one another.